Services Database New Medicines Service (NMS) Expansion Pilot: Inclusion of Depression as a Therapeutic Area

Service ID



Aims and objectives
The aim of the pilot is to test the inclusion of depression as a therapeutic area in the
NMS and to test a revised NMS service model to inform future development of the
national service model for the NMS.
1. To test the expansion of the NMS to include people newly prescribed eligible
antidepressants for depression.
2. To test a more patient-centric service model, with an emphasis on greater flexibility
and shared decision making around how and when service stages are initiated,
scheduled and subsequently delivered.
3. To test the extension of the NMS support through an optional additional follow-up
stage. This additional follow-up could occur up to maximum of 5 months following
the last NMS appointment.
4. To understand the training and support requirements for community pharmacists to
be able to support patients with mental health needs.
5. To understand and support opportunities for greater integration of the NMS into local
primary care provision/pathways.
6. To identify the comprehensive data set that should be shared with the registered GP
practice, and/or referrer/prescriber where appropriate for this service expansion and
integrated model.

Location of service

Thames Valley LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Medicines optimisation (including MUR-related services)

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:



