Services Database NHS Health Check
Service ID
NHS Health Checks is a national programme which is designed to identify and manage the risk of a cardiovascular incident within the next 10 years for people aged 40 to 74 who are not already identified and included on specified disease registers. It aims to identify those at risk of, or with early signs of, high blood pressure, raised lipid or blood glucose levels, and contributory factors including being overweight, smoking, excess alcohol consumption and physical inactivity. It also seeks to raise awareness of vascular dementia in the 65 – 74 age group. The NHS Health Check programme encompasses appropriate referral to pharmacological and non pharmacological treatments for the management of risk, and the follow up and ongoing management of those at the highest risk. It is expected that this programme will go some way to identify the undiagnosed population with existing cardiovascular disease, who will then be managed on existing disease pathways within primary care for secondary prevention.
Location of service
North Cumbria LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
NHS Health Check
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known