Services Database NHS Health Checks (Worcestershire Area)
Service ID
The programme aims to identify and manage people’s risk of a range of vascular diseases (i.e. heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease) and to offer them appropriate advice, referral or follow up. The scope of the programme is:
- Identification of those people who are eligible (including targeting of hard to reach populations);
- Risk assessment and identification of associated risk factors;
- Communication of results and level of risk;
- Management of risk (including advice, brief interventions, referral for clinical support, signposting and referral to other services if appropriate.
Location of service
Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
NHS Health Check
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All staff providing the Risk Assessment must:
- be fully competent to the level of the Skills for Health Vascular Risk Assessment: Workforce Competencies (2009);
- have adequate knowledge of cardiovascular disease, and understand the risk factors relating to it; and
- follow the best practice guidance outlined in: Putting Prevention First – NHS Health Check: Vascular risk assessment and management (2009).
In addition, staff communicating risk must have attended motivational interview training and be competent in using this technique with clients attending for an NHS Health Check.
This service is available in the Worcestershire area only.