Services Database No Worries! Young People’s Sexual Health Services (Wiltshire Area)

Service ID



Participating pharmacists will provide chlamydia treatment (Clamelle) and test kits to males and females aged 16 to 24 years of age who have been notified of a positive diagnosis of chlamydia by the Wiltshire Chlamydia Screening Programme Freetestme and in accordance with the community pharmacy treatment pathway. Pharmacists will also treat asymptomatic non pregnant partners of those diagnosed (including those over 24 years old but not those under 16) who attend with the index client above or are in possession of the index number issued by Freetestme.

No Worries!
Provide confidential, non-judgemental sexual health and contraception advice to young people aged between 13 and 24 years of age. The pharmacy team will have free condoms available and actively promote their use even when other contraceptive methods are used. Pharmacists will also be required to take a sexual health history of young people seeking emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) or pregnancy testing, assess for risk of unintended conception and sexually transmitted infections and provide treatment or refer as appropriate. Administer EHC as levonorgestrel to young people when assessed as appropriate using the Patient Group Direction (PGD).

Pharmacists will also provide free pregnancy testing for young women aged 13 -24 and make onward referral to contraception, abortion or support services as appropriate.

In addition, pharmacists will provide support and advice to people accessing the service, including advice on safer sex, condom use and advice on the use of on-going contraceptive methods including LARC (long acting reversible contraception methods), as appropriate.

From 2016, pharmacist are able to provide chlamydia treatment (azithromycin or doxycycline) using the PGD.

Location of service

Swindon & Wiltshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The following CPPE packages should be completed as part of the accreditation process and updated every three years:

  • Sexual Health in pharmacies – open learning with e-assessment;
  • Emergency Contraception – e-learning with e-assessment;
  • Dealing with difficult discussions – open learning; and
  • Safeguarding children – open learning with e-assessment.

In addition, pharmacists should attend Public Health training on providing sexual health enhanced services every three years.


This service is available in the Wiltshire area only.