Services Database Not Dispensed Scheme
Service ID
The pharmacist will review every prescription not part of the Essential service 2 repeat dispensing (batch prescribing) that comes into the pharmacy for dispensing to check its suitability to be a part of the ‘Not Dispensed Scheme’.
For any prescriptions where the pharmacy oversee on behalf of the patient the re-ordering of regular medicines (managed repeats); a conversation must happen with the patient to confirm which items are required. Only then if items are subsequently not required to be dispensed can they be a part of the ‘Not Dispensed Scheme’. If the initial conversation did not take place then that prescription cannot be included in the ‘Not Dispensed Scheme’.
The pharmacist must discuss the prescribed medicine with the patient, or their authorised representatives to identify any item that is not required.
The pharmacist will cross the item(s) through and clearly endorse them on the prescription ‘ND’ or Not Dispensed’ in a manner agreed with the NHS Business Service Authority.
The pharmacist will then notify the prescriber by the appropriate means and within the appropriate timeframe of any item(s) not dispensed.
Location of service
Surrey LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Not dispensed scheme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
There are no specific training requirements for pharmacists; however pharmacists should ensure that they are familiar with the scheme and any support staff be made aware of the scheme and signed off as competent to participate in the scheme.