Services Database NRT Voucher Scheme in Community Pharmacies
Service ID
The Service will be provided by trained Living Well Smokefree specialist stop smoking advisors and trained pharmacy staff based within accredited Community Pharmacies within North Yorkshire. Members of the general public who wish to stop smoking will access the Service by referral/self-referral to the Living Well Smokefree Service.
The Living Well Smokefree stop smoking advisors will assess the Service User, provide initial stop smoking advice/support and where NRT has been determined as the most suitable pharmacotherapy intervention, complete and issue a pre-numbered NRT voucher to the Service User, indicating the appropriate NRT product(s) to start the Service User on. (Please see Appendix 1 for an example voucher). The Service User will then take the NRT voucher to any accredited pharmacy, where the pharmacist will check the clinical suitability of the recommended products before dispensing the product(s) in weekly instalments, in line with the issued voucher. NRT can be used for up to 12 weeks, in weekly instalments using the voucher scheme. Changes may be made during treatment by either the pharmacist or Living Well Smokefree stop smoking advisors if clinically appropriate. One voucher authorises four weeks supply, with a maximum of three vouchers per quit attempt. The pharmacy will record the required minimum data set onto the NRT Voucher PharmOutcomes template. Service User will be required to access weekly behavioural support from their Living Well Smokefree stop smoking advisor for the duration of their quit attempt.
Location of service
North Yorkshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
NRT and/or varenicline voucher scheme
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/05/2019
End date: