Services Database Observed Consumption
Service ID
The patient will self-administer their prescribed methadone or buprenorphine, while being supervised and monitored daily in community pharmacies by means of a 4-way agreement between the prescriber, patient, recovery co-ordinator and pharmacy.
Pharmacists may delegate the responsibility for supervision of methadone and buprenorphine, to appropriately trained staff. However, the pharmacist will remain accountable for supervised consumption and must always be in a position to intervene immediately where necessary. Staff undertaking supervision should be trained pharmacy technicians, pre-registration pharmacists or healthcare assistants who have also undergone local training in pharmaceutical harm reduction. As a minimum requirement, any staff member involved in supervised consumption must be over 16 years of age and have completed medicine counter assistant training.
Location of service
South Staffordshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Supervised administration
Other organisations involved
One Recovery Staffordshire
Start date:
End date:
All lead Pharmacists must complete the CPPE distance learning course “Substance Use and Misuse” OR have previously completed “Opiate treatment: Supporting pharmacists for improved patient care” before accreditation is granted. Evidence of suitable training will be recorded by the pharmacist using the CPPE Declaration of Competence (DoC).
Pharmacists are also encouraged to attend the local supervised consumption training event.
All new pharmacy staff involved in supervised consumption should attend the initial supervised consumption training event.