Services Database On Demand Access to End of Life Medicines (Halton Area)

Service ID



Community pharmacies participating in this service will hold and maintain an agreed stock of medication.

Aims and Objectives

To improve the care of the dying in the last few days/hours of life by:

  • Maintaining an agreed stock of medicines used to alleviate the symptoms experienced by patients entering the dying phase of a terminal illness at designated community pharmacies. (Appendix A – Drug list.) This is intended for supply by community pharmacies against FP10 prescriptions issued.
  • Ensuring access to the agreed stock of medicines is available during normal working hours including weekends and evenings.
  • Designated community pharmacies signposting carers to other participating service providers with confirmed sufficient stock, in the event that they are unable to immediately supply the necessary palliative care medicines.
  • Supporting patients, carers and clinicians by providing them with up to date information and advice and referral to specialist palliative care services where appropriate.
  • Avoid unnecessary hospital admissions where the sole purpose of admission is to access appropriate medication

Service Outline

A minimum stock of agreed medications (appendix B ) must be carried at each community pharmacy (the service provider) commissioned to do so.

Medication issued to patients from the agreed list will be supplied in accordance with the Medicines Act (1968). Prescriptions will normally be issued by a general practitioner or Non-medical prescriber on an FP10.

After issuing stock from the agreed list the service provider must ensure the stock is restored to the minimum level within 24 hours. (Taking into account usual delivery schedules)

Location of service

Halton, St Helens & Knowsley LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

On demand availability of specialist drugs (palliative care)

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:



