Services Database On Demand Availability of Palliative Care Drugs Service (Calderdale Area)
Service ID
Pharmacists participating in the service hold and maintain a stock of an agreed list of palliative care medicines for dispensing in response to NHS prescriptions, which may be required by palliative care patients. In addition they will support people, carers and clinicians by providing them with up to date information, advice and where appropriate referral.
The Commissioner will disseminate details of the service to health professionals who may need to access the service as part of their care of patients. This list includes Local Care Direct, Hospices, GPs, Community Pharmacies, Macmillan Nurses and hospital pharmacy departments.
Location of service
West Yorkshire LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
NHS Enhanced service (AT)
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
On demand availability of specialist drugs (palliative care)
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
No specialist training or accreditation is required over and above the normal requirements for a pharmacist providing dispensing services. However, the pharmacist should be familiar with this Locally Enhanced Service and any local guidance on palliative care drugs.
The pharmacist may wish to complete the Centre for Pharmacy Post Graduate Education (CPPE) open learning pack for this service entitled ‘Palliative Care’.
This service is available in the Calderdale area only.