Services Database Pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception Scheme (Blackpool Area)

Service ID



EHC will be offered to any female presenting within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse at an authorised community pharmacy where a qualified pharmacist (with relevant competencies to deliver EHC) is available. Females presenting post 72 hours of unprotected sex or failure of a contraceptive method must be referred URGENTLY to another care provider. There are no age restrictions for clients accessing EHC.

The female must be resident in Blackpool. Patients who reside outside of Blackpool can access this service and should be regarded as a Temporary Resident but this must be recorded. For visitors to the area, supply should be made with advice to seek follow up from sexual health services in their own area.

There may be occasions when young people are referred on because of issues regarding competence to consent to treatment. In certain circumstances e.g. on clinical grounds, the qualified pharmacist may exclude certain individuals from EHC treatment. All these individuals should be urgently referred. However, where there are safeguarding issues, women can still receive EHC if they are eligible to do so.

As part of the EHC consultation, the provider will offer/provide Chlamydia testing postal kits where appropriate to people aged 15-24. The service will be free of charge to eligible service users and is funded by the Commissioner - service users are at liberty to refuse this service.

Sexually active females presenting for EHC deemed high risk by the pharmacist can also be offered screening, including those aged below 16 years and considered Fraser competent.

Location of service

Lancashire & South Cumbria LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacist must:

  • have evidence of Continuous Personal Development;
  • sign the approved Patient Group Directions (PGDs) for the supply/administration of emergency hormonal contraception by a community pharmacist from a community pharmacy and agree to work in accordance with the PGDs; and
  • completed the CPPE (or equivalent) ‘Declaration of Competence’ (EHC) documentation.


This service is available in the Blackpool area only.