Services Database Pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception Scheme (Lancashire Area)

Service ID



Pharmacists will supply levonorgestrel emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) when appropriate to clients in line with the requirements of a locally agreed Patient Group Direction (PGD). The PGD will specify the age range of clients that are eligible for the service; it may facilitate supply to young persons under 16 in appropriate circumstances.

This service is available to all females. It must be recorded whether they are a Lancashire resident or not and appropriate advice given regarding follow up in their local area.

As part of the EHC consultation, the provider will offer/provide chlamydia testing postal kits where appropriate to people aged 15-24 (the pharmacist may use professional discretion for those at high risk outside this age group accessing this service). A free of charge supply of six condoms will also be offered at all consultations.

The service will be free of charge to eligible service users.

Location of service

Lancashire & South Cumbria LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Emergency hormonal contraception

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




A pharmacist who wishes to deliver this service must complete the CPPE and Health Education North West (NHS) Declaration of Competence and by doing so declare themselves professional confident and competent to deliver the service.


This service is available in the Lancashire area only.