Services Database Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Scheme (Leek Area)
Service ID
The Pharmacy First Scheme aims to provide any patient who is registered with Leek Health Centre (LHC) with access to medicine(s) for the treatment of minor ailments characterised by acute onset via community pharmacy. The service will be provided through community pharmacies in Leek and Cheddleton who have signed up to provide this service.
The overall aim of the scheme is to allow pharmacists to treat minor ailments that may have previously necessitated a doctor’s appointment, and allow patients to be referred, or self-refer to their local community pharmacy.
The Pharmacy First Scheme is offered as a quicker alternative for patients to access healthcare. Patients may choose to refuse this service and continue to access treatments in the same way as they have done previously.
The service is only available for the ailments listed in the Minor Ailment and in the pharmacies who have signed up to the service. Only medicines specified in these protocols may be supplied for the ailments specified.
Pharmacists are able to supply two prescription-only medicines under Patient Group Direction for suitable patients. Pharmacists can supply flucloxacillin 500mg capsules for impetigo or trimethoprim 200mg tablets for cystitis.
Location of service
Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Minor ailment service
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacists working at participating pharmacies can provide this enhanced service if they are clinically competent in the treatment of minor ailments.
All pharmacists working at participating can provide this enhanced service if they have attended the Medicines Management training in delivering the Pharmacy First Scheme.
This service is available in the Leek area only.