Services Database Pharmacy First
Service ID
Patients aged 16 and over may access self-care advice for the treatment of minor ailments and where appropriate, can be supplied with medicines at NHS expense without the requirement to attend a GP appointment.
A patient registered with a Walsall GP may register at an accredited Community Pharmacy.
Location of service
Walsall LPC
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Service type
Minor ailment service
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
The lead pharmacist in a community pharmacy must complete the CPPE Minor Ailments: A clinical approach (2013) assessment (course number 42070) using Responding to minor ailments (course number 42393) as a reference and submit to Walsall CCG before commencing to provide the service. Assessments will need to be repeated every two years if the course is updated by CPPE.
There are two CPPE open learning programmes relating to the development and delivery of Minor Ailments Services:
- Minor Ailments Services: A starting point for pharmacists
- Minor Ailments Services: Pharmacy technicians leading the way
It is not a prerequisite for pharmacists or technicians to undertake these programmes.
Local accreditation will take the form of attending CCG training and self-certifying that they have read and understood this document issued by Walsall CCG. It is a mandatory requirement to attend the local training.
Pharmacists should ensure that staff members, who are involved in the delivery of the service, receive appropriate training.