Services Database Pharmacy First Minor Ailment Service (Isle of Wight CCG Area)

Service ID



This service aims to provide the local population with rapid access to a pharmacist who can give advice on a range of minor ailment and, where necessary, supply medication from an agreed formulary. The purpose of this service is to release capacity in general practice and provide an appropriate alternative to the use of general practice or other health care environments, for example, A&E, Out of Hours Urgent Care.

The pharmacy will provide advice and support to people on the management of minor ailments. This will also include the supply of printed information where appropriate and, if necessary, the supply of medicine (free of charge to those exempt from prescription charges) for the treatment of the minor ailment.

Location of service

Hampshire & IOW LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type

Minor ailment service

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The Minor Ailment Service is to be provided by a pharmacist who can meet the following competencies and underpinning knowledge. This is demonstrated by a completed Declaration of Competence form.

Core Competencies

  • Able to communicate with, counsel and advise people appropriately and effectively on minor ailments;
  • Able to assess the medication needs of patients;
  • Able to act on referrals from, and make referrals to, other healthcare professionals and other sectors such as social care;
  • Able to promote the service appropriately to the public;
  • Able to explain the provision, range of conditions covered and features of the service to the public and other appropriate professionals; and
  • Understands the pharmacotherapy for the full range of available medication and is able to provide appropriate clinical guidance


This service is available in the Isle of Wight CCG area only.