Services Database Pharmacy Needle Exchange Enhanced Service (East Lancashire Area)
Service ID
The service will be provided service users in East Lancashire who are requiring sterile needles, syringes, injecting paraphernalia, harm reduction advice and signposting to other relevant health & social agencies.
There are two levels to the service:
- Level 1 - The pharmacy will provide a range of injecting equipment as deemed appropriate by the purchaser following national legislation and local policy either loose or in packs with written information on harm reduction (for example, on safer injecting or overdose prevention), plus provision to referral on to Inspire (for example, vaccinations, drug treatment and secondary care).
- Level 2 - includes all of the provisions in level 1 with a ‘pick-and-mix’ (bespoke) injecting equipment, plus health promotional advice (including advice and information on how to reduce harms caused by injecting drugs), plus provision to referral on to Inspire (for example, vaccinations, drug treatment and secondary care).
Location of service
Lancashire & South Cumbria LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Needle & syringe programme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
On induction to the service, the pharmacy will be given an Induction Pack consisting of; harm reduction information, advice leaflets and a list of appropriate contact details and Inspire will provide updates as required.
This service is available in the East Lancashire area only.