Services Database Pharmacy Needle Syringe Provision (Darlington Area)

Service ID



Injecting is the most hazardous way of taking drugs. It is the main source of both
the short- and long-term risks of drug related death. Needle syringe provision
and harm reduction initiatives are developed within a wider approach that
advocates the following aims:

  • Reduce the potential harms associated with active injecting drug use by
    providing sterile equipment.
  • Reduce the prevalence of Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) and infections
    associated with injecting drug users and the local communities.
  • Increase treatment knowledge of injecting drug users not currently
    engaged with treatment services.
  • To maximise the access and retention of all service users, especially the
    highly socially excluded.
  • To contribute to the reduction of drug-related deaths among injecting
    drug users.
  • To reduce the rate of sharing and other high risk injecting behaviours.
  • Reduce the cost of primary and secondary care caused by injecting drug

Location of service

County Durham & Darlington LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Needle & syringe programme

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:



