Services Database Pharmacy Stop Smoking Service (Warwickshire)
Service ID
A service that offers intensive one-to-one support to smokers who want to quit and set a quit date, over a 4-6 week period (approx. 1 ½ hours total). Clients are monitored and followed-up 4 weeks after the quit date (as per Dept of Health requirements). Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can be supplied to patients as part of the service. Varenicline can also be offered to patients under a Patient Group Direction.
The aims of the service are to:
- support the development of stop smoking services outside of GP surgeries;
- enable supply of nicotine replacement therapies by appropriately trained nonphysician health care professionals; and
- enable non-health care professionals who are offering intensive support to smokers to access nicotine replacement therapy as part of the support package.
Location of service
Arden LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacy staff delivering intensive support and supplying NRT to smokers will attend the Warwickshire Stop Smoking Service 2 day training course, which operates to national training standards. In addition, the pharmacist responsible for delivery of this SLA should complete:
- CPPE Stop Smoking Part 2 module; and
- CPPE Safeguarding Children module (as this service is available to under 16 year olds).
It is recommended that any other eligible staff in the pharmacy who haven’t attended the 2 day training complete the CPPE Part 1 Smoking Cessation training, so they can support a whole pharmacy approach to delivering the stop smoking service.