Services Database Pharmacy Stop Smoking Service (Wiltshire Area)
Service ID
Stop Smoking Practitioners, will have dedicated time to carry out one to one consultations to support smokers through the process of quitting.
If considered appropriate, the pharmacist may supply nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
Advice will be provided for a maximum 12 week period to people who want to stop smoking. If after this time the client is still smoking the client should be referred to the Stop Smoking Service.
Location of service
Swindon & Wiltshire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Wiltshire Stop Smoking Service
Start date:
End date:
In order to provide an NHS Stop Smoking service, the person(s) responsible for delivery must have completed the Wiltshire Stop Smoking Practitioner training which is free of charge. A nationally recognised Stop Smoking Qualification will need to be obtained by electronic training and testing on The National Smoking Cessation and Training Centre (NCSCT) website at
It is expected that trained practitioners will attend regular top up training and information sessions which are provided free of charge by the local Wiltshire Stop Smoking Service.
Practitioners who did their initial training over three years ago will be expected to attend a one day refresher training course.
This service is available in the Wiltshire area only.