Services Database Provision of Stop Smoking Support in Pharmacy
Service ID
The smoking cessation service is designed to offer intensive one to one support and follow up, including appropriate drug therapy for clients who want to stop smoking and go on to set a quit date. Stop Smoking Advisors must see clients for a minimum four week period after quit date and ensure that a CO monitoring attempt is recorded in every face to face contact.
Location of service
Surrey LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Pharmacy staff providing the service must attend and complete the 2 day Stop Smoking Advisor training provided by the Surrey Stop Smoking Service. All new staff providing stop smoking support must successfully complete the online NCSCT Stop Smoking Advisor Training and assessment ( before attending the Quit 51 two day behaviour change techniques course.
As part of ongoing training, it is mandatory that the Provider should aim to ensure that all trained staff attend at least one update training session provided by Quit 51 every year.