Services Database Provision of Varenicline in Community Pharmacies (Worcestershire Area)
Service ID
Stop Smoking Advisors will assess the Service User's motivation to quit and provide on-going one to one motivational support throughout the quit attempt. If Service Users express a preference for varenicline, the Stop Smoking Advisor will conduct an initial assessment for suitability and, if there are no contraindications, refer the Service User to an accredited pharmacy using the referral form. The Stop Smoking Advisor will advise the Service User that it will be the pharmacist's decision whether or not to supply varenicline.
The pharmacist will assess the Service User for suitability for treatment with varenicline. If a supply is deemed suitable, the pharmacist must inform the Service User's GP and the NHS Stop Smoking Service provided (if not the pharmacy) within two working days.
If the pharmacist decides it is not appropriate to make a supply, the pharmacist must inform the Service User's NHS Stop Smoking Service so an alternative treatment can be offered.
Location of service
Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
NRT and/or varenicline voucher scheme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All pharmacists involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and have completed the required training:
- pre-course reading and self-assessed test;
- ensure that all pharmacists involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge of Patient Group Directions and have considered any personal development needs in the relation to their use;
- completed a Council approved varenicline training session and been awarded a certificate of completion; and
- be aware of local child protection guidance available at
This service is available in the Worcestershire area only.