Services Database Screening Service for HBV, HCV, HIV & Syphilis and Hepatitis B Vaccination Service (Isle of Wight)

Service ID



Patients are offered the service if they attend the pharmacy to use the Needle Exchange Service or following IDAS referral (either methadone or alcohol detox patient with referral proforma).

If the patient declines the service they can be offered an information pack and advice on blood borne virus infections.

If the patient takes up the offer of the service, they will then have a consultation and an assessment will be made on whether the patient is suitable for the service.

The dry blood spot tests will be carried out by a trained pharmacist in a private room, following pre-test discussion and those wanting one will be asked to read a leaflet explaining HBV, HCV, HIV and Syphilis, explaining the risk factors.

The hepatitis B vaccination can then be administered following agreed protocol.

A second appointment should be made for 7 days later when the patient will have the second dose of vaccination administered and a third appointment for the final dose of vaccination to be administered should be made for 21 days later.

The results of the test will be available in person from the pharmacist or assistant or by phone, 2 weeks after the test date. If the patient tests positive for hepatitis B the third dose of hepatitis B vaccination should not be administered.

Location of service

Hampshire & IOW LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Blood-borne virus screening

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




The pharmacy contractor should ensure that pharmacists and staff meet the requirements of the Competency and Training Framework for dried blood spot testing provided by the Commissioner.
The pharmacy contractor should ensure that pharmacists and staff complete the relevant local training required by the Commissioner.


This service is available on the Isle of Wight only.