Services Database Children’s (4-11) Seasonal Influenza Primary School Pilot Project 2014-15
Service ID
The aim of the programme is to help maximise the percentage of primary school age children, who are eligible to receive influenza immunisations, to receive vaccination.
Pharmacists will vaccinate, with one dose of Fluenz Tetra, (unless contraindicated) those children who have attained the age of four, but not yet eleven, on 1 September 2014. Any child who is contraindicated will be referred to their own GP. Any child in an at risk group that has not had a flu vaccine before and is age 4 to 8 will be offered a second dose of Fluenz Tetra four weeks later.
Location of service
North Cumbria LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date: 15/09/2014
End date: 31/12/2014
Staff involved in the administration of vaccine must:
- have attended the nasal immunisation training programme provided by Cumbria LPC and have the necessary skills & competencies together with documented evidence of that training. Competencies to include nasal vaccine
administration, anaphylaxis recognition & treatment, basic life support for children, cold chain integrity & infection control; - have completed training to work under PGDs; and
- have completed the CPPE e-learning programme ‘Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults’.
Pharmacists responsible for vaccination must be signed up to work under the Intranasal flu vaccination PGD. A signed copy must be kept in the pharmacy.
It is the responsibility of participating pharmacists to ensure that their professional indemnity insurance covers them to provide immunisation services.
The pharmacy contractor must nominate a named person(s) within the community pharmacy who will be responsible for the administration of the intranasal influenza pilot and advise project management of their identity