Services Database Seasonal Influenza Vaccination 2013-14

Service ID



The aim of the service is to:

  • cover the provision of seasonal flu immunisation for people identified as being in the 65+ age group, or in the at-risk adult groups as defined by the Department of Health for the 2013/14 flu season;
  • extend the service through local community pharmacy provision using a PGD in addition to that provided by GP practices;
  • reduce the serious morbidity and mortality from flu infections by immunising those most likely to have a serious or complicated illness should they develop flu infection. This can avert the need for hospitalisation.

Participating pharmacies should identify adult patients specified in the PGD inclusion criteria and offer them the opportunity of receiving a flu immunisation free of charge at the pharmacy, administered by an accredited pharmacist under the authority of a PGD. The pharmacist can immunise the client, offer advice or refer them to their GP practice. The client's GP should be informed as soon as possible if immunisation takes place, and a record must be made and retained.

Children up to the age of 17 are excluded from the service and should be referred to their GP practice.

The pharmacy contractor is responsible for ensuring the requirements for equipment and premises are in place and must ensure that resuscitation equipment is accessible at all times during an immunisation session. Pharmacists are also advised to ensure they are up to date with Hepatitis B immunisation.

Location of service

North of Tyne LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

NHS Enhanced service (AT)

Source of funding

NHS England

Service type

Seasonal influenza vaccination

Other organisations involved


Start date: 01/09/2013
End date: 31/03/2013




Formal immunisation training programme plus PGD training
If previously trained, an annual update in the recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis, plus basic life support.
If a pharmacist administers less than 30 vaccines in any preceding year, full training must be repeated.


As of 6th November 2013, pharmacies had administered 12,334 vaccinations across the Area Team area.