Services Database NHS Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Service 2014-15 (Across the North Yorkshire & Humber Area – 2 LPCs involved)
Service ID
Please note this service is commissioned across North Yorkshire and Humber by the North Yorkshire & Humber Area Team. Therefore, the following LPCs have the same seasonal influenza vaccination service in their areas:
- Humber LPC
- North Yorkshire LPC
The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.
The purpose of the Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Service is to ensure that patients have improved choice of where to access ‘flu vaccination.
In summary, patients eligible to receive the service are:
- people over 65 years of age (born on or before 31-03-1950);
- adults in selected clinical risk groups, as listed in the Inclusion Criteria section of the Patient Group Direction (PGD);
- pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy;
- adults who are in receipt of a carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill; and
- adult household contacts / carers of immunocompromised individuals (see Inclusion Criteria section of the PGD for full definition).
Please also note that patients aged under 18 years of age are excluded under this service specification.
The vaccination will be administered when appropriate to eligible patients under the NHS England - North Yorkshire and Humber PGD.
Location of service
Humber LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
NHS Enhanced service (AT)
Source of funding
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/10/2014
End date: 31/03/2015
The pharmacist should be competent in all aspects of immunisation, in line with the National Minimum Standards for immunisation training (2005), available online from:
Initial Immunisation Training followed by annual update either face to face or online. Eg: see the National Skills Academy’s / Core Learning Unit’s Immunisation and Anaphylaxis modules, via: ).
In addition, pharmacists must undertake annual Basic Life Support (Adult) and Anaphylaxis update training which includes training to undertake administration and supply of medicines under PGDs.
Pharmacists using the PGD must also have declared their competence by using the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) Declaration of Competence framework for vaccination.