Services Database Community Pharmacy Provision of Seasonal Influenza Vaccination 2014-15 (Arden, Herefordshire & Worcestershire Area – 4 LPCs Involved)
Service ID
Please note this service is commissioned across Arden, Herefordshire and Worcestershire by the Arden, Herefordshire & Worcestershire Area Team. Therefore, the following LPCs have the same seasonal influenza vaccination service in their areas:
- Coventry LPC
- Herefordshire LPC - now part of Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC
- Warwickshire LPC
- Worcestershire LPC - now part of Herefordshire & Worcestershire LPC
The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.
This service allows pharmacists to administer the influenza vaccine (intramuscular vaccine and intranasal vaccine) under Patient Group Direction (PGD) to the following groups of patients:
- inactivated Intramuscular Seasonal Influenza Vaccination for adults (those aged 65 years and over and those 18 years to 64 years of age in a clinical risk group);
- live Intranasal Seasonal Influenza Vaccination for those 12 to 17 years of age in clinical risk groups; and
- live Intranasal Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Pilot for all children in School Years 7 & 8.
Location of service
Coventry LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
NHS Enhanced service (AT)
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date: 15/09/2014
End date: 31/03/2015
It is compulsory for a member of the pharmacy team to attend a staff training event prior to the programme commencing.
Training must cover the administration of immunisations in accordance with the Health Protection Agency Core Curriculum (2005) to include vaccine preventable disease, cold chain requirements, intramuscular immunisation technique, and the use of PGDs, CPR and specifically flu vaccine administration. A face to face or e-learning package must have been successfully completed since April 2014.
Training will include management of anaphylaxis including documentary evidence of anaphylaxis training since 1 April 2014.
The pharmacist must familiarise themselves with the administration of Fluenz Tetra intranasal vaccine.
The pharmacist must familiarise themselves and operate in a manner compliant with the appropriate Immunisation Green Book guidance -