Services Database Influenza Immunisation Service 2013-14 (Berkshire Area)
Service ID
This service aims to:
- Improve access to seasonal influenza immunisation; and
- Contribute to increasing uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination in those over 18 and under the age of 65 identified as having a clinical risk.
The pharmacy team identifies eligible individuals and offers the service opportunistically to patients registered with a GP practice within the Berkshire West CCG Federation. The client receives a patient information leaflet and the vaccine is administered under a PGD. Eligible patients excluded from the pharmacy scheme must be referred back to their GP practice.
The pharmacy contractor should have a standard operating procedure in place for this service that adheres to the national service specification.
GP practices must be informed of immunisations given to their patients within 1 working day of the consultation.
Location of service
Thames Valley LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
NHS Enhanced service (AT)
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/10/2013
End date: 31/03/2014
Any pharmacist administering the vaccine must have the required competencies and within the last 12 months will need to have completed training on the provision and administration of the vaccine, or an update, plus anaphylaxis and CPR and understand the inclusion criteria within the PDG and SLA, and relevant chapters of the Green Book.
This service was available in the Berkshire area only.