Services Database Greater Manchester Community Pharmacy Flu Programme 2014-15 (Across the Greater Manchester Area – 2 LPCs Involved)

Service ID



Please note this service is commissioned across Manchester by the Greater Manchester Area Team. Therefore, the following LPCs have the same seasonal influenza vaccination service in their areas:

  • Bolton LPC
  • Greater Manchester LPC 

The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.

The aim of the Greater Manchester Community Pharmacy Flu programme is to build on the learning from previous years; national, regional and local and to provide greater access for those aged 18 to 64 years of age with a clinical risk and contribute to increasing the uptake of flu.

Eligible population include:

Resident population within the Greater Manchester area and those registered with a Greater Manchester GP but resident outside the locality who are aged between 18-64 years of age in a clinical at- risk group:

  • chronic respiratory disease;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • chronic heart disease;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • chronic liver disease;
  • chronic neurological disease;
  • diabetes;
  • immunosuppression; and also
  • pregnant women.

In addition those who are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person/in receipt of carers allowance. People who are receiving a Carer’s Allowance, or who are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.

Pharmacists /pharmacy staff will ask all pharmacy attendees if they are eligible for the flu jab. Unimmunised over 65 yrs of age should be encouraged to attend their GP practice for immunisation.

Location of service

Greater Manchester LPC


NHS England

Method of commissioning

NHS Enhanced service (AT)

Source of funding

NHS England

Service type

Seasonal influenza vaccination

Other organisations involved


Start date: 01/11/2014
End date: 28/02/2015




To deliver a national immunisation programme it is essential that all staff are appropriately trained. NHS England must ensure that providers:

  • meet the HPA National minimum standards in immunisation training 2005 either through training or professional competence ensuring that annual training is offered to all staff;
  • have had training (and annual updates) with regard to the recognition and initial treatment of anaphylaxis; and
  • ensure that all staff are familiar with and have online access to the latest edition of the Green Book, noting the clinical guidance may change and that the Green Book is frequently updated.

The skills necessary for administering intra-muscular injection include:

  • intramuscular sites and the rationale for this choice;
  • how to administer an intramuscular influenza injection. Including patient assessment, side effects and contraindications to influenza administration;
  • anaphylaxis – recognition and treatment; and
  • basic life support training

It is a mandatory requirement for pharmacists wishing to provide this service to have successfully completed all the above training. Once ALL the above training has been completed, the pharmacist will then be accredited as approved practitioners for providing this service to 18 to 64 years in a clinical at risk group, in addition to carers and pregnant women.

Pharmacists should maintain clinical knowledge appropriate to their immunisation practice.
