Services Database Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Service 2014-15 (Across the Thames Valley Area – 2 LPCs Involved)
Service ID
Please note this service is commissioned across the Thames Valley area by the Thames Valley Area Team. Therefore, the following LPCs have the same seasonal influenza vaccination service in their areas:
- Berkshire LPC (now merged to form Thames Valley LPC)
- Buckinghamshire LPC
- Oxfordshire LPC (now merged to form Thames Valley LPC)
The service has only been added onto the Services Database under this entry to avoid duplication.
During the seasonal influenza vaccination campaign period, pharmacy staff will identify people who fall within the nationally agreed target groups who are a priority for influenza vaccination and will encourage them to be vaccinated, making that offer during the period from 1 August 2014 - 31 March 2015.
The immunisation programme will be focused between 1 September 2014 - 31 January 2015.
Eligible patients who do not have any contra-indications to vaccination will be offered vaccination by a pharmacist. The vaccination will be administered under the authority of a Patient Group Direction (PGD) which will include the locally agreed eligibility criteria.
Patients eligible for immunisation by the pharmacist include:
- individuals aged 18 years to less than 65 years in specified clinical risk groups;
- carers; and
- pregnant women.
Location of service
Thames Valley LPC
NHS England
Method of commissioning
NHS Enhanced service (AT)
Source of funding
NHS England
Service type
Seasonal influenza vaccination
Other organisations involved
Start date: 01/08/2014
End date: 31/03/2015
The pharmacy contractor will ensure that any pharmacist who is involved in administering the vaccine has the required competencies and has within the last 12 months :
- completed training in the provision and administration of the vaccine; or
- participated in update training in the provision and administration of the vaccine; and
- completed training with regard to the recognition and initial treatment of anaphylaxis and CPR; or
- participated in update training with regard to the recognition and initial treatment of anaphylaxis and CPR.
Pharmacists should also ensure they have read chapter 5 (Immunisation by nurses and other health professionals) , chapter 8 (Vaccine safety and adverse events following immunisation) and chapter 19 (Influenza) of the Green Book.