Services Database Self-care Pharmacy First – pilot (For people on low income) (North Central London)

Service ID



The pharmacy contractor will provide advice and support to people on the management of minor ailments, including where necessary the supply of medicines for the treatment of the minor ailment, in line with the essential service requirement as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework.
For people on low income (see appendix 2) who would have otherwise gone to their GP for a prescription or presented at their local urgent care service or Out of Hours services. The pharmacy will assess whether the patient meets the low income criteria and supply required medicines, free of charge.
Aims and intended service outcomes

  • To improve access and choice for people with minor ailments by:
  • Promoting self-care through pharmacy and supply of medicines to people on low income, without the need to visit the GP practice;
  • Facilitate a referral system from local general practices or other primary care providers; and
  • Supplying appropriate medicines and devices at NHS expense.
    • To improve primary care capacity by reducing general practice workload related to minor ailments.
    • To reduce the number of patients attending urgent care with minor ailments;
    • To reduce the number of calls to out of hours services by patients with minor ailments.

Location of service

City & Hackney LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Minor ailment service

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




  • The pharmacy contractor will maintain clinical knowledge appropriate to their practice by attending relevant study days and courses and making themselves aware of appropriate current literature.
  • All pharmacists providing the service will have satisfactorily completed the following courses/training:
  • Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) distance learning course:
  • “Responding to minor ailments (2008) or (2012)” or
  • “Minor ailments services: a starting point for pharmacists (2009)” or
  • “Minor ailments: a clinical approach (2021)”[1] or
  • “Common clinical conditions and minor ailments”4 (2016)
  • The pharmacist will train the pharmacy staff on referral of requests for treatment under the Self-care Pharmacy First service to an accredited member of staff within the pharmacy.

