Services Database Sexual Health

Service ID



Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Sexual Health Service aims to deliver a quality assured, open access, fully integrated sexual health service that offers services that are equitable and accessible, in the right locations to meet the needs of its diverse population, in particularly meeting the needs of residents who often do not access health care services.
The Company aim to commission Pharmacy Sexual Health Services that support the achievement of the Head Contract requirements, through their provision of:
• Access to Emergency Hormonal Contraception – EHC – for patients aged 13 years and over.
• Chlamydia Screening (15–24-year-old inclusive age range only)

Location of service

Arden LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




CPPE learning programmes provide pharmacists with the necessary knowledge to underpin the provision of
this service:
1. Emergency contraception CPPE e-learning (Dec 2012, reviewed April 2022).
2. Contraception CPPE e-learning (Dec 2015, reviewed January 2022).
3. Combating CSE CPPE e-learning (July 2015) including ‘Spotting the Signs’ video (May 2016).
4. Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults CPPE e-learning (Jan 2017). including assessments for
level 1 (Feb 2017) and level 2 (Jan 2017) (Reviewed October 2021).
5. All provider pharmacists to have enhanced level DBS status.
Where the learning programme provides pharmacists with an assessment or record of completion this must
be kept by the pharmacist and be provided to HCRG Care Group upon request. Where CPPE update the
educational materials listed above pharmacists providing this service will be expected to complete the
revised modules and have evidence of completion.
Optional training:
• Consultation skills for pharmacy PRACTICE CPPE e-learning (Jan 2014, re-released July 2021).
• Dealing with difficult discussions CPPE e-learning (Jan 2014, reviewed June 2017).
• Sexual health in pharmacies CPPE e-learning (Oct 2015, reviewed December 2020)
Pharmacists should complete CPPE training online and populate a Self-Declaration of Competence (DoC)
for Community Pharmacy for Emergency Contraception.
