Services Database Sexual Health

Service ID



The targeted primary care sexual health services described in the Specification are commissioned as a ‘basket’ of services from Providers. This means that Providers are contracted to deliver all the services in the basket – they cannot opt to deliver individual elements. The services to be provided are:

1) The provision of free emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) to service users aged 13 years to 24 years;

2) Provision of chlamydia screening kits to under 25 year olds (as part of the NCSP);

3) Free condoms to under 25 year olds; and

4) Provision of sexual health information to service users.

Location of service

North Yorkshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




All pharmacists delivering this Service on behalf of the Provider are also required to attend a one off face to face training event provided by YorSexual Health with input from the Commissioner’s Medicines Management Advisory Service. This event will cover the local PGDs, chlamydia screening, condom distribution and other sexual health services available locally and safeguarding. Pharmacists employed by the Provider will attend a further training event if they, YorSexual Health or the Commissioner feel this would be useful to refresh knowledge.

The pharmacist must complete the required training as part of the declaration of competence, as defined by the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) and repeat every three years.
