Services Database Sexual Health Pharmacy Contract for Non Unitary Areas of Essex (Essex County Council Area)

Service ID



This sexual health service covers a number of different elements including:

  • provision of emergency hormonal contraception (EHC) to those under age 18;
  • chlamydia screening (available to any sexually active young person aged 15 to 24 years old);
  • provision of C-Card condom issues (available to any sexually active young aged 16 – 24 years old);
  • provision of levonorgestrel 1500mcg tablets or ellaOne for EHC (available to any female patient under 18 years of age requesting free EHC who confirms that they have had unprotected sexual intercourse within the last 120 hours); and
  • provision of azithromycin or doxycycline for treatment of those positive for chlamydia (available to any patient notified by the Sexual Health Improvement Services as having a positive test result, and any partner/s presenting with such patients).

Location of service

Essex LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Sexual health

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Pharmacists are required to complete the following Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) courses:

  •  Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults e-learning;
  • Contraception (a download document) with an assessment at the end, this may be available as a workbook before March 2014; and
  • Emergency contraception e-learning.

 Attendance at a local training event for preventing child sexual exploitation, organised by Essex Police, is also required.

 In order to provide the C-Card service, staff must have received training within the last two years and have evidence of delivery for which claims have been made in the last 12 months. Pharmacy teams who wish to provide the service are encouraged to source training from their local C-Card assessor/trainer in order to be able to provide the service.


This service is available in the Essex County Council area only.