Services Database SIMPLE Asthma Service
Service ID
The objectives of the service were to assess the:
- effect of the community pharmacy intervention on the patient’s asthma control (primary outcome –Asthma Control Test (ACT); and
- impact of the intervention on other clinical outcome measures: health-related quality of life (mini-AQLQ), healthcare utilisation (self-reported GP visits and /or hospitalisation), lung function measurements (PEF), mediation adherence (MARS/prescription pick-up), Inhaled corticosteroids dose and inhaler technique scores.
Intervention were based on the key components of a structured asthma review.
A SIMPLE asthma consultation consisted of the following elements;
- Stop smoking support (refer/offer NRT if appropriate);
- Inhaler technique ‐ observe and optimise;
- Monitor – assess control and severity using validated assessment tools (RCP 3 Questions and ACT)
- Pharmacotherapy ‐ review and optimise medicines and give information to person on appropriate use;
- Lifestyle ‐ consider factors (BMI, exercise, vaccinations, alcohol intake); and
- Education ‐ Develop an action plan with the patient taking into consideration their beliefs and understanding of their condition.
Location of service
Leicestershire & Rutland LPC
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Service type
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Not known.