Services Database Slimming World Voucher Scheme (County Durham Area)

Service ID



Patients are approached and those that would like to attend Slimming World are provided with a healthcare professional referral letter.

The patient then rings the Slimming World Helpline number on the letter. This call is to check that the customer is eligible for referral (for example, the customer will be asked for their estimated weight and height so that their BMI can be calculated over the phone), to determine which Group they would like to attend, and to organise sending the customer a referral form. The patient is then posted a welcome pack with a referral form and further Slimming World information. At the same time the Slimming World consultant is informed and is likely to contact the patient directly prior to the customer joining their preferred local Group. The patient then takes their referral form to their preferred local Group.

This is not a commissioned service.

Location of service

County Durham & Darlington LPC


Not a commissioned service

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Weight management

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Not known.


This service is available in the County Durham area only.