Services Database Small c Campaign: Awareness of Cancer Signs and Symptoms in Community Pharmacies (Camden Area)

Service ID



The Small c Campaign, in coordination with London Cancer and Camden CCG, was dedicated to raising public awareness of cancer signs and symptoms in Camden.

The Campaign aimed to provide the public with the knowledge and resources needed to detect and treat early signs of cancer, therefore increasing early cancer presentation, referrals, and diagnoses.

The programme aimed to increase population awareness of cancer through the strategic involvement of community pharmacies. The pharmacies aimed to educate customers about signs and symptoms of breast, bowel, and lung cancers, and promote an increase in presentation in primary care along with an increase uptake of screenings.

This campaign targeted customers of pharmacies within Camden, with a specific focus on individuals who are at higher risk for developing cancer and individuals who have presented with potential cancer symptom(s):

  • men and women aged 50 and over; and
  • customers frequently purchasing red-flag medications:
    • cough medicine;
    • inhalers;
    • NRT/smoking cessation drugs; and
    • anti-diarrheal medications.

Location of service

Camden & Islington LPC


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Service type


Other organisations involved


Start date: 01/09/2014
End date: 31/12/2015




Completion of a BOPA-certified, online training module for pharmacists and pharmacy staff to increase knowledge and skills in raising awareness of cancer signs and symptoms among customers.


This service is available in the Camden area only.