Services Database Smoking Cessation
Service ID
This service falls into two parts:
- Level 2 Smoking Cessation Advice; and
- Nictoine replacement therapy (NRT) supply via voucher direct from pharmacies.
Location of service
Norfolk LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
Staff delivering Lot 3a (Stop Smoking Service Provision) must be appropriately qualified for their level of responsibility. They must have completed an accredited level 2 stop smoking service training that is approved by the Authority, and then logged with the Authority as a level 2 advisor. Level 2 Training is provided free of charge by the authority.
There are four training options for senior clinical staff delivering services for Lot 3a Stop Smoking Service Provision:
Option 1:
- Complete the NCSCT Very Brief Advice (VBA) Online Training; and
- attend the level 2 training meetings (run by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service).This training can be bespoke and condensed as required.
Option 2:
- Complete the NCSCT Level 2 Training and Assessment Programme
Option 3:
- Complete the distance learning CPPE module; and
- Attend the level 2 training meetings (run by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service).This training can be bespoke and condensed as required.
Option 4:
Attend the Specialist Stop Smoking Service two day Level 2 multidisciplinary training or another Level 2 smoking cessation training recognised by the Authority. (The two day training consists of taking NCSCT Level 2 Training and Assessment Programme followed by a one day face to face training.)
All Healthcare Assistants counter staff or equivalent involved in the delivery of a Level 2 Stop Smoking Service shall:
- Attend the Specialist Stop Smoking Service two day Level 2 multidisciplinary training or another Level 2 smoking cessation training recognised by the Authority. (The two day training consists of taking NCSCT Level 2 Training and Assessment Programme followed by a one day face to face training); and
- have professional supervision from appropriate clinical senior staff (who will have completed the NCSCT Very Brief Advice Online Training as a minimum requirement).
In addition:
- All Providers shall arrange include an assurance visit from the Stop Smoking Service on completion of training. The Service will provide on-going mentoring support to all Providers.