Services Database Smoking Cessation Service West Sussex county council

Service ID



The smoking cessation service is designed to offer intensive one to one support and follow up,
including advising on use of licenced products (eg nicotine replacement therapy) and non-licenced
products (eg electronic cigarettes (e- cigs) for Service Users wishing to access Stop Smoking
services. The Service Provider will:
• Use a MECC approach to identify and engage smokers into the service.
• Provide smoking cessation interventions that have a clear structure and content, which is
communicated to Service Users at first contact, and to which they should commit.
• Provide smoking cessation services to smokers of tobacco products such as cigarettes (hand
rolled or tailor made), cigars, pipes (including water pipes) and smokeless tobacco. Support
is only offered to those using tobacco and therefore this service does not offer support to
those vaping without also using tobacco. Those smoking other substances should be referred
to DAWN the West Sussex Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Network (led by CGL) who provides
support to people of any age, who are looking to reduce or stop their drinking or use of drugs,
(including New Psychoactive Substances (formerly known as “Legal Highs”), prescription or
over-the-counter medication, performance and image enhancing drugs (including steroids).
• Provide smoking cessation services to smokers from target groups who are resident or
working in West Sussex and aged over 12 years, as per Gillick competence. Gillick
Competence is the term used in medical law to decide whether a child (under 16 years of age)
can consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need to parental permission or
knowledge. (
• Provide one to one intensive support on a weekly basis for a minimum of 5-6 weeks, until a
date within the Russell Standard is reached when 4-week status is monitored through
recording of carbon monoxide (CO). Quit dates falling outside this period will not be counted
or paid for.
• Arrange appropriate pharmacotherapy to support the quit attempt, this should be available for
the duration recommended by the product specification e.g. up to 12 weeks for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and Varenicline and up to nine weeks for bupropion.
• West Sussex Smoking Cessation Service is “e-cigarette friendly” therefore these can also be
offered as a first line alternative to licenced medications, these should be discussed with
Service users who show an interest. These items are currently not available on prescription
and will have to be purchased by the service user. Behavioural support should be provided to
Service Users who want to use unlicensed, self-purchased products as their aid to quitting.
• Record the data for each smoking cessation episode as it is carried out onto the West Sussex
Smoking Cessation Template as specified by West Sussex Public Health. The source of the
template may vary depending on the Service Provider. General practice-based providers will
use a specified data collection template. Non-General Practice providers will be provided
access to the PharmOutcomes system by public health and will generate and submit
automated reports and claims each month as per Schedule B Part 1 of Public Health based
Services Contract.
• Send the agreed letter of recommendation for Service Users where Varenicline (Champix) is
appropriate, to their GP as this is only available on Prescription [ Appendix A].
• Refer Service Users to another West Sussex Stop Smoking provider if an appointment cannot
be made within 2 weeks.

Location of service

Sussex LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Completed Level 2 Smoking Cessation practitioner training in line with NCSCT and signed up to Declaration of Competence on PharmOutcomes.

In addition, CPPE in conjunction with WSCC offer behaviour change focussed face-to-face training that is recommended but not essential.

Further updates are also available eg on e-cigarettes.

This service can be provided by trained Pharmacy Staff.
