Services Database Smoking Cessation Service (Newham Area)

Service ID



Pharmacy-based stop smoking services are available to patients that want to quit through a pharmacy and are not classed as a member of a ‘priority’ group. The Specialist Stop Smoking Service (SSSS) will treat priority smokers.

The specific aims of the pharmacy-based stop smoking offer include:

  • Increase the availability of high quality, cost effective stop smoking interventions in Newham by working closely with the SSSS
  • Deliver an evidence-based cessation service in line with the National Institute of Clinical Excellent (NICE), Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCST) guidance.
  • Increase the use of pharmacotherapy in smoking cessation to support 4 and 12 week quits.
  • Provide people motivated to quit smoking tailored support through weekly one to one and/or telephone interventions, pharmacological support including NRT, and Champix for a maximum of 12 weeks.
  • Provide information, very brief advice (VBA), signposting and where applicable referral to healthy living / health care services in Newham.
  • Promote national and local health campaigns to raise awareness and access to pharmacy services and/or local health services.
  • Promote and support sustained healthy living behaviour change interventions.

Deliver services underpinned by the ethos, principles and practices of Making Every Contact Count (MESS), You’re Welcome and Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLP).

Location of service

North East London LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:



