Services Database Smoking Cessation Vouchers (Birmingham Area)
Service ID
The aim of the voucher scheme is to enable clients to easily access NRT or EC when attending a stop-smoking programme. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and clinical governance processes should be set up and adhered to at all times to assure patient safety.
All NRT products are classified as General Sales List products, there are currently no EC licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) but are regulated in the Europe Union under Article 20 of the Tobacco Directive (2014/14/EU). NRT and/or EC can be supplied directly from pharmacies or Vape shops approved by Birmingham City Council. They can, therefore, be supplied directly from pharmacies or other licensed premises without a prescription. The voucher is issued by a stop smoking practitioner who assesses the suitability of clients.
Under the scheme, the stop smoking practitioner recommends the supply of NRT/EC using a voucher that is taken to the participating pharmacy of the client’s choice. Product selection is based on a discussion between the client and the practitioner, the range available and consideration of potential contra-indications. The pharmacist makes the final decision as to whether NRT/EC can be dispensed to the client (or in rare circumstances can recommend an alternative form after discussing it with the client and the practitioner who made the initial recommendation).
Vouchers for NRT/EC can be accepted at any participating pharmacy within Birmingham.
Location of service
Birmingham & Solihull LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
NRT and/or varenicline voucher scheme
Other organisations involved
Start date:
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