Services Database Smoking Cessation (Wakefield Area)

Service ID



The planned intervention must be provided to all smokers supported through this agreement and includes:

  • The smoker expresses a desire to quit smoking (this step involves the member of staff to use nationally recognised brief and very brief intervention models).
  • The adviser provides information on stopping smoking, the consequences of smoking and the potential treatments to support quitting.
  • An assessment is undertaken considering smoking, lifestyle, behavioural and health factors affecting the smoker’s ability to quit. This may include assessing the smokers wider support network of family and friends and whether they can be engaged to provide additional motivation and support.
  • Advice is given on and provision of NRT, Varenicline, if appropriate, and in line with agreed protocols, using the PGD/Voucher scheme unless there is an exception as per protocol.
  • A quit date is agreed and recorded.
  • Structured follow up sessions of behavioural intervention and support are offered (weekly sessions for a minimum of 6 weeks after the quit date, with a minimum contact time of 90 minutes over 6 weeks).
  • CO monitoring is to be undertaken at each appointment as an aid to motivation and the reading recorded on Quit Manager at each contact.

For the purpose of this enhanced service, an episode of care has been defined as a completed 4–week assessment. However, it is expected that if patients require support after this point, that care will be provided.

Location of service

West Yorkshire LPC


Other: South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Method of commissioning

Source of funding


Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved

Yorkshire Smokefree Wakefield


Start date:
End date:




Staff providing support must be trained to level two and approved by the Wakefield NHS Stop Smoking Service.

Staff carrying out screening spirometry will have to undertake a brief commissioned training session to ensure competence.

Staff should attend an update/refresher Stop Smoking course on an annual basis.

The Commissioner recommends that all pharmacy counter staff undertake a Customer care service course/training.

Nice guidance recommends that all staff should be trained on very brief advice. This can be done through an e-learning programme available for all pharmacies on

Pharmacists should also read:

  • “Helping smokers to stop: advice for pharmacists in England” (ISBN 1-84629-035-X) published by NICE, RPSGB and PharmacyHealthLink. A copy can be downloaded from
  • “Brief Interventions and Referral for Smoking Cessation in Primary Care and other Settings (Public Health Intervention Guidance No 1)” published by NICE. A copy can be downloaded from


This service is available in the Wakefield area only.