Services Database Stop Smoking Service

Service ID



The overarching aims of the service are to:

  • reduce smoking prevalence among adults;
  • reduce smoking prevalence at 15 years;
  • reduce smoking prevalence in pregnancy; and
  • contribute to a reduction in health inequalities in North Yorkshire.

There are two ways of delivering this service:

Option A – Subcontract

Pharmacies may become a subcontractor to Solutions 4 Health, providing stop smoking services on a payment by result basis for successful four week quits delivered.

This is for the delivery to priority groups only which include users living in deprived areas, routine & manual workers, pregnant women, parents or carers of children under 16, users with a mental health condition, substance misusers, users with a long-term condition and users awaiting an operation.

Option B – Referral

Pharmacists who are unable to run a service may choose to refer service users to Solutions 4 Health.

In addition, a Patient Group Direction (PGD) has been led and developed by Solutions4Health. The PGD has been approved to enable the supply of varenicline by accredited community pharmacists to patients accessing smoking cessation services through Solutions4Health.

Location of service

North Yorkshire LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Registered Advisors will be expected to maintain continuing professional development on an annual basis by either attending Registered Smoking Advisor refresher training with Smokefreelife North Yorkshire or by completing National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) online training opportunities.

Advisors will need to be NCSCT accredited. Training will be provided for free to achieve this, including a compressed 3-hour course for pharmacists and clinicians. Where the Advisor is a Healthcare Assistant or equivalent, the training will be a full 2 day course.
