Services Database Pharmacy NHS Stop Smoking Service (Devon Area)
Service ID
The main aim of this service is to support the reduction of smoking prevalence in the geographical area covered by Devon County Council. In addition, it enables smokers to access a choice of high quality support to stop smoking to best suit their needs.
The pharmacy contractor will provide one or more in-house Stop Smoking Advisers, trained and registered with the Devon Level 3 Stop Smoking Specialist service. The contractor will offer clients stop smoking appointments with a Level 2 (Intermediate) stop smoking adviser within their own premises.
The contractor will also dispense nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for other local NHS stop smoking services in the community (eg dental advisers, school nurses) where a Devon Stop Smoking Service Letter of Recommendation has been presented.
NRT is recommended to be dispensed for 2 weeks, 2 weeks, 4 week and an optional further 4 weeks if required. NRT may be dispensed under this service for a maximum of 12 weeks supply.
The initial consultation should include:
- a carbon monoxide (CO) test and an explanation of its use as a motivational aid;
- an explanation of the benefits of quitting smoking;
- a description of the main features of tobacco withdrawal and the common barriers to quitting;
- treatment options that are proven effective;
- a description of the support offered – i.e. its aims, length and benefits; and
- an agreement on the chosen treatment pathway.
Follow up consultations should include appropriate support strategies to help the person quit, further supplies of medication where appropriate and CO monitoring (the four-week follow up should include self-reported smoking status, followed by a CO test for validation).
Location of service
Devon LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Devon Stop Smoking Service
Start date:
End date:
Stop Smoking Advisors are required to be trained and registered with the Devon Level 3 Stop Smoking Specialist service. At least one Stop Smoking Adviser from the surgery must attend annual training updates provided by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service. These updates will be made available across the county and publicised by the Specialist Stop Smoking Service.
This services is available in the Devon area only