Services Database Smoking Cessation in Community Pharmacy (Bolton)

Service ID



Four levels of service are available to all pharmacies in Bolton:

  • Level 1 Service – Stop Smoking Voucher Scheme

Clients are issued with a voucher from Bolton Stop Smoking Service, which they take to a participating pharmacy to be issued with the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that is written on the voucher (NRT type can however be changed if requested by client).

  • Level 2 Service – NRT Support and Supply

Clients are supported with behavioural support and with appropriate NRT pharmacotherapy to set a quit date and their success is measured at four weeks and 12 weeks through CO verification.

  • Level 3 Service – Varenicline (Champix) – Supply Only via PGD

Clients are issued with a voucher from Bolton Stop Smoking Service, which they take to a participating pharmacy to be issued with varenicline (Champix). Pharmacists must have signed the PGD in order to provide this medication.

  • Level 4 Service – Varenicline (Champix) – Support and Supply via PGD

Clients are identified as wanting to stop smoking and are supported with behavioural support and supply of varenicline (Champix), to set a quit date and their success is measured at four and twelve weeks through CO verification. Pharmacists must have signed the PGD in order to provide this medication.

Location of service

Greater Manchester LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved

Bolton Stop Smoking Service


Start date:
End date:




Level 1 Stop Smoking Voucher – Supply Only

No training required but must be delivered by a pharmacist or qualified medicines counter assistant.

Level 2 NRT Support and Supply

Staff must complete the NCSCT training online and attend a yearly update session provided by Bolton Stop Smoking Service.

Level 3 and 4 Champix supply only via PGD/ Champix support and supply

Pharmacists must complete the NCSCT training online, attend a yearly update session and complete the declaration of competence (DOC) on CPPE. The DOC and signed PGD must be sent to Bolton Council.

Pharmacists and registered technicians should access the NCSCT Training via CPPE; all other staff should register directly with NCSCT
