Services Database Stop Smoking (Brighton & Hove County Council Area)
Service ID
The smoking cessation service in pharmacies will provide one to one support and /or group sessions to people who want to give up smoking. The service will help to increase choice and improve access to Stop Smoking Services
The pharmacy smoking cessation advisors will help facilitate access to, and where appropriate supply, relevant stop smoking pharmacotherapy.
The service cessation service offered by the pharmacy must be provided in accordance with the smoking cessation training offered by the Smoking Cessation Service Lead Royal Sussex County Hospital (RSCH) and the NCSCT stage 1 and 2 on line assessment.
Location of service
Sussex LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
- All pharmacists (including Locums) wishing to provide a smoking cessation service will need to have the appropriate Harmonisation Accreditation Group qualification (HAG), which includes completing the CPPE Stop Smoking CD Rom (order no: 37026), reading two publications and attendance at a local workshop;
- All pharmacy smoking cessation advisors must attend and complete the Level 2 Smoking Cessation Training (course details are in the pharmacy handbook) provided by the Smoking Cessation Service Lead (RSCH);
- All pharmacy staff delivering the service must successfully complete the NHS Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training online training for level 2 advisors stage 1 and 2 assessments ( Records of completing this must be submitted to the Hospital Smoking Cessation Coordinator within the first year of delivering the service;
- All trained pharmacy smoking cessation advisors must attend 2 out of 3 update training sessions per year provided by the RSCH; and
- Any Pharmacy smoking cessation advisor who has not delivered any stop smoking clinics for one year must attend a refresher 2 day intermediate training facilitated by the RSCH.
This service is available in the Brighton & Hove County Council area only.