Services Database Stop Smoking Service in Community Pharmacies (Cheshire East Area)
Service ID
A stop smoking service, which allows the client to receive nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or be referred to their GP for varenicline.
The service will consist of up to seven consultations with the Practitioner. Each client will receive a course of treatment tailored to his or her individual requirements.
The local Stop Smoking Service also has an agreement with local community pharmacies for the dispensing of NRT products through a voucher scheme (as opposed to FP10 prescribing). The voucher scheme allows Stop Smoking advisors to prescribe NRT products through the use of a voucher and for local community pharmacies to dispense the voucher and claim a payment (minus any prescription fees collected).
Location of service
Cheshire & Wirral LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Stop smoking service
Start date:
End date:
Primary Care staff providing stop smoking services must be trained to NHS Centre for Smoking Cessation Training (NCSCT) Standards and have been assessed as competent to deliver Level 2 (one-to-one) stop smoking support. Accrediated Practitioners will have their names on an enhanced service provider list kept by the Stop Smoking Service , on whose behalf they are providing the service.
Accreditation is gained by completing the NCSCT Stage 1 online assessment, atttending a 1/2- day Stop Smoking Practitioner course provided by the Stop Smoking Service and finally the Stage 2 online assessment. No fee will be charged for attending the accreditaion training There will not be a charge for update training either.
Practitioners must attend one accreditation update session per year.
Pharmacies Professionals ONLY – Self Accreditation is available as an option to attending the annual update. The self accredetation will be completed by the pharmaacy professional in the form of a CPPE self declaration of competence. The pharmacy professional must satisfy the requirements of the self-declaration of competence for Smoking Cessation Intervention Service and print and sign the personal Declaration of Qualification and Competence to deliver the Stop Smoking Service.
If a Practitioner has not provided any stop smoking support for one year, Level 2 training must be repeated.
This service is available in the Cheshire East area only