Services Database Smoking Cessation Level 2 (East Sussex County Council Area)

Service ID



Aims: To enable pharmacists to provide stop smoking services to their patients which:

  • offer choice of treatment options appropriate to clients;
  • offer the most effective evidence based treatments available;
  • support people to successfully quit smoking; and
  • achieve high levels of client satisfaction.

Outcomes: The service will support people to successfully quit smoking for 12 weeks. Quitting will be measured at 4 weeks (and payment based on 4 week quitters) and follow up will occur at 12 weeks.  It is anticipated that many clients will permanently stop smoking and as a result, will have improved health outcomes and lower levels of healthcare utilisation.
The service user should have six appointments while using the service: one pre-quit session, a session on the quit date, and four sessions post quit date.

Location of service

East Sussex LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved

East Sussex Specialist Stop Smoking Service


Start date:
End date:




Staff involved with the care of these patients must be appropriately trained and maintain their competence. Details and evidence of staff training and education relevant to the management of people undergoing smoking cessation initiatives, in accordance with National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT), competences and standards, must be provided at the time of sign up to this enhanced service. East Sussex County Council (ESCC) will not make payment for any services where they were delivered by any staff that have not completed this training.

Level 2 smoking cessation training for specialist advisors
This is a two day course, incorporating pharmacological and behavioural therapies to enable staff to work with clients who want to stop smoking.  This is available through the East Sussex Specialist Stop Smoking Service. A two hour annual update session must be attended to maintain best practice in smoking cessation.

Level 2 smoking cessation training for pharmacists
Pharmacists will be required to demonstrate that they are qualified to deliver stop smoking services either through completion of pharmacy specific smoking cessation advisor training e.g. provided by CPPE or Level 2 Smoking Cessation advisor training provided by East Sussex Specialist Stop Smoking Service (ESSSS) and be accredited in line with ESCC requirements.


This service is available in the East Sussex County Council area only.