Services Database Stop Smoking Service

Service ID



The service will provide an integrated, safe, effective, person-centred and evidence-based stop smoking service, which is of the highest possible quality to ensure it contributes to improving the health of our population and tackles health inequalities.

Primary care is a key setting for stop smoking interventions. The public increasingly expects health professionals to ask about / question their smoking. It is intended that this model will recruit smokers opportunistically during routine pharmacy visits. Pharmacy teams are ideally placed to become actively involved in stop smoking support. There are opportunities to intervene with all visitors to the pharmacy, and providing both preventive advice and treatment.

A redesign of stop smoking services has recently been undertaken for stop smoking support across Blackpool. The agreed new model of stop smoking support for Blackpool will provide a light touch universal element and a proactive targeted approach to provide support for priority groups. A summary of the new proposed service model is detailed in the attached (Appendix A).

The Community Pharmacy Led Stop Smoking Service sits within level 2 of the model, offering a universal service to individuals who would like face-to-face stop smoking support which they can easily access within their local community.

Location of service

Lancashire & South Cumbria LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




  • All staff involved in delivery should obtain full certification through the NCSCT Training and Assessment Programme. This can be accessed via
  • All staff involved in the delivery of the service are also expected to undertake the NCSCT Stop Smoking Medication module before they can advise on stop smoking medication.
  • All staff should also take the opportunity of taking speciality modules as they become available.
  • All staff should be supported to continuously update skills and techniques relevant to their work. All staff are to retain core skills and knowledge and are to keep up to date with developments in the field.
