Services Database Stop Smoking Service (Solihull Area)

Service ID



Stop Smoking Service is a smoking cessation service that aims to provide an evidence based, specialist stop smoking support programme to smokers wanting to quit.

Service providers will need to be able to provide an evidenced based smoking cessation service.

Clients can obtain up to 12 weeks supply of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). If a client is considering, and is suitable for using buproprion or varenicline the advisor should refer the client to their GP. The GP should see and assess the patients on an individual basis.

The service structure is as follows:

  • initial consultation - 20-30 minutes (approximately);
  • follow up session - 2-15 miinutes;
  • review session - 15 minutes;
  • 4-12 weeks post quit date review - 15 minutes; and
  • final session - 15 minutes.

Location of service

Birmingham & Solihull LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Local Authority contract

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Stop smoking

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




Those involved in delivering smoking cessation support will have the necessary skills and competencies through undertaking a two day training programme, or online NCSCT training which includes brief intervention skills, offering intensive advice and support and smoking in pregnancy.

Advising staff will be expected to undertake quarterly clinical supervision sessions.


This service is available in the Solihull area only.