Services Database Stop Smoking
Service ID
The pharmacy Stop Smoking Service will involve multi-session interventions, with a total potential client contact time of 1 hour 50 mins (minimum) from pre-quit preparation to 12 weeks post-quit. This will involve offering weekly support to individuals committing to quit smoking from their quit date until they have been quit for 4-weeks or until they relapse, if less than 4-weeks after the quit date.
The service consists of the following:
- an initial assessment when a quit date will be set, the treatment options offered; with a maximum 12 weeks support offered.
- the option of a weekly face to face meeting with CO monitoring;
- a review 4-weeks (28 days from quit date – 3 or + 14 days) after the quit date when a carbon monoxide reading is taken.
- CO validation of self-reported quits at 4-weeks should be attempted in at least 85% of cases;
Location of service
Suffolk LPC
Local Authority (LA)
Method of commissioning
Local Authority contract
Source of funding
Local Authority (LA)
Service type
Stop smoking
Other organisations involved
Start date:
End date:
All staff to complete NCSCT, unregistered staff to complete 1 day training with One Life Suffolk. Registered staff are exempt from the one day with OLS however are required to complete the online top-up module and multiple-choice assessment.