Services Database Supervised Consumption (Buckinghamshire)

Service ID



Pharmacists are required to supervise the consumption by clients of prescribed treatments for substance misuse on approved pharmacy premises and to provide harm reduction advice, information and support for the users of this service.

Location of service

Thames Valley LPC


Local Authority (LA)

Method of commissioning

Source of funding

Local Authority (LA)

Service type

Supervised administration

Other organisations involved


Start date:
End date:




A copy of certificate of completion of CPPE course “Substance Use and Misuse (2nd edition, May 2012)” or RCGP part one certificate training must be provided by a lead pharmacist in each site who is responsible for ensuring his staff/colleagues are adequately trained to deliver the service at all times.
In addition to the CPPE (or RCGP) training further local training will be provided through the Drug and Alcohol Action Team, which community pharmacists are expected to attend annually. Pharmacists will be informed regarding these events by the DAAT.
The Provider will ensure that all staff complete generalist level 2 safeguarding training or equivalent in accordance with the Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (BSCB) and complete appropriate training in accordance with the Adult Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) training strategy
The lead pharmacist will be able to demonstrate a Continuing Professional Development portfolio, which supports all aspects of this work.
